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Saturday, November 12, 2011

Justin Bieber Sing a Song

Coder Greg Leuch, hailing from that land to the north which traded its military in for beer and bacon, has reaped the whirlwind of weird for his inventive Firefox add-on. It may not be as popular as Video DownloadHelper (which boasts a hefty tab of 500,000+ weekly downloads from Mozilla’s repository) and certainly not as popular as browsing sensation Adblock Plus, but it’s raising eyebrows and in some cases whipping people up into a frenzy.

It is known as the “Shaved Bieber,” and released under the MIT license. It isn’t compatible with Firefox 3.5.9, or with the hearts of sundry teenage girls. Should you have it installed – there is even a version available for Google Chrome- it blocks all reference to Justin Bieber from your browser, replacing his name and likeness with a black bar. It is our proof that the world of pop culture can – see last year’s mass thefts of Twilight paraphernalia – sometimes be hazardous to your health.

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